Top Security Official Visits SSB Unit in Assam


Guwahati: The DG of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Rashmi Shukla, IPS, recently paid a visit to the SSB Frontier Headquarters in Guwahati and the 1st Battalion SSB unit in Sonapur, Assam, on August 6th, 2023.

Her arrival was warmly greeted by Sh. R. K Bhumbla, Inspector General of Frontier Headquarters SSB Guwahati, and other senior officers. A special ceremony, including an impressive Guard of Honour, awaited her at the Frontier Headquarters in Sonapur, Guwahati.

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During her trip, Rashmi Shukla assessed the ongoing operations and security measures carried out by both the Frontier Headquarters and the 1st Battalion SSB Sonapur. She stressed the crucial role they play in effectively protecting the Indo-Bhutan border and conducting community-oriented initiatives.

The visit also featured a vibrant Cultural Programme and Badakhana at the 1st Battalion SSB Sonapur.

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