Teenage Student Brutally Murdered in Guwahati: Suspect Arrested


Guwahati : A shocking incident has shaken Guwahati as a 15-year-old school student was brutally killed by a 23-year-old youth. The tragic event took place in the Amsing area of Bonda on Wednesday.

The victim, Nitesh Kumar, a student at Maharshi Vidya Mandir School, lost his life in a sword attack. The suspect, Abhishek Barua, was arrested in connection with the crime and has confessed to his involvement.

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Reports suggest the motive behind the murder was related to a money issue. The victim’s father had been asked for Rs 7 lakh. Distressed by the situation, he reported the threat to the Basistha police.

With swift action, the Basistha police, supported by the Crime Branch, arrested the suspect.

In a small rented room at Narengi, the school bag alongwith school  uniform and few books of the victim were recovered by police.

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It is to be mentioned that at around 11:45 AM on 9th August, 2023 an information was received at Panikhaiti Out Post that and  unknown deadbody of a boy was found inside forest area of  Amsing Forest, Bonda, Panikhaiti. Accordingly, police team from Pragjyotishpur PS rushed to the spot and carried out enquiry about
Lthe matter. The deceased could not be identified then. There were sharp injury marks on the throat of the deceased. The police got the Inquest conducted by the executive Magistrate and sent the dead body for carrying out the Post Mortem Examination at GMCH.

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The accused and the victim were known to each other since the year 2019. They met online through a gaming. Subsequently, they got friendlier and started meeting each other at different places. At the time of first meeting (in the year 2019), the accused was working as a cook in the canteen of AG Office, Beltola. The victim was then a student of class VIII.

The accused runs a small restaurant by the name “Burp Cartel” at Narengi Tiniali.

On the previous day of the incident, the victim called up the accused and informed him that the next day, the victim would not attend school. Instead the victim would go to the accused place and would spend a day with him and also would visit the water falls
in Amsing Forest Reserve near Bonda. The victim asked the accused to come to Bongaon, Beltola in the morning hours at the school time.

On the day of the incident, the accused came to Bongaon on his scooty and met the victim at around 6.30AM at a place near Basanat Doloi path, Bongaon, Beltola. From there, both the victim and the accused went to Narengi and halted for some time at the accused restaurant. There was a rented room which is being used by the staff of the accused next to his restaurant. In that rented room, the victim took off his school uniform and put on civil cloths. After that, using the same scooty, both the accused and the victim
went to the forest area in Amsing Forest, Bonda. The scooty was parked at a place just outside forest area and both of them walked into the forest. While leaving the rented room, the accused carried a long sword on the pretext of using for making the way into the forest.

While they were inside the forest, as disclosed by the accused, heated argument ensued and at one moment, the accused pulled out the sword and slit the throat of the victim. When the victim fell down, just to ensure that he is dead, the accused caused more injuries on the victim’s body.

During the scuffle, the accused trouser was torn badly. After the incident, the accused took off the trouser of the victim, worn the same and then left the scene of crime. From there, he went home, changed his cloths and then left for Khanapara.

After commission of the offence, the accused got scared of getting caught and he planned to give it a colour of a case of kidnapping for ransom. Accordingly, the accused at around 2.45 PM on 9thAugust 2023, gave the ransom call to the victim’s father demanding Rs. 7 lacs.

Later in the evening on the same day, the accused was apprehended by the Police.

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