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Guwahati: IMD Guwahati celebrated the 150th foundation day of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) on January 15, 2024. The event at the Regional Meteorological Centre in Guwahati featured an inaugural speech by Dr. Sanjay O’Neill Shaw, Scientist-F, who congratulated the officials for completing 150 years of the IMD’s successful journey.
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Suprakash Chakraborty and Sailen Saikia, Scientific Officers, highlighted various services provided by IMD, with an exhibition showcasing meteorological instruments and services. The program included a popular lecture for students, and Sunit Das, Scientist-F, offered a vote of thanks.
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Established on April 1, 1997, the Regional Meteorological Centre in Guwahati plays a vital role in providing meteorological services to the northeastern states. The IMD serves various sectors, including aviation, agriculture, shipping, hydrology, transport, power, health, monsoon, sports, tourism, cyclones, space, fog, flood, mountaineering, fisheries, environment, pilgrimage, defense, urban development, and more.
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The region is equipped with 22 departmental stations, around 350 Automatic Weather Stations, and 8 upper air observatories. Additionally, three Doppler weather radars are installed, and plans are underway to enhance meteorological instrumentation by adding more Automatic Weather Stations and other observational infrastructures. There are also plans to install 11 Doppler Radars in various locations across the northeast region.
To mark the IMD’s 150th year, activities are planned throughout the year, including awareness programs on weather, climate, environment, and green energy. Students will be invited to visit the Regional Meteorological Centre in Guwahati to witness the functioning of meteorological instruments and weather forecasting techniques.